How reviews help us
As a rule, customer reviews inspire great confidence. Just like asking friends and family for recommendations, reviews let you know what ordinary people think about a company in just a few seconds. This will help you quickly understand exactly what services ParadTrade provides and how you can benefit from working with us.
How reviews help you
Your reviews are feedback that helps ParadTrade develop. By reading and listening to what you say about us, we learn how to improve our customer service faster and more effectively.
Moreover, by writing a review, you also encourage other customers to share their opinions about our company. By increasing ParadTrade’s visibility, you let others know about us and improve our publicity.
You can leave a written or video review using the form at the bottom of the page.
Bonus for video review – $50 to trading account
To make it easier for you, below we have prepared instructions for writing/recording a review:
1. Introduce yourself and describe your previous experience (if any)
Were you a complete newbie before ParadTrade?
Have you fallen into the hands of scammers?
Do you want to work with another broker?
Be sure to mention this!
Our audience includes both beginners and experienced traders, so it’s interesting to hear opinions from different sides.
2. List what problems/needs ParadTrade helped you solve
What makes a good review? That’s right – specifics!
Gratitude and positive emotions are wonderful. But in order for the review to be useful for everyone, please clarify exactly how we helped you – gave you the opportunity to trade cryptocurrencies or agricultural assets, increased your capital by 20%, or helped you provide passive income.
3. Tell us what you liked about working with ParadTrade
Low spreads, friendly and attentive managers, regular promotions and bonuses – we make every effort to ensure that clients are satisfied with our service. Share what attracted you to ParadTrade.
4. If you didn’t like something about ParadTrade, tell us about it too!
Another trait of a good review is honesty.
It’s great to hear about positive experiences, but it’s also helpful to hear about things that need improvement. We will definitely take your comments into account and work on the mistakes.